
Politely propose something

Do you want me to bring our new catalogue?Vous voulez que j‘apporte notre nouveau catalogue?
Would you like me to bring our new catalogue?Aimeriez-vous que j‘apporte notre nouveau catalogue?
Do you want us to have lunch together?Voulez-vous que nous dînions ensemble?
Would you like us to have lunch together?Aimeriez-vous que nous dînions ensemble?
Why don’t we go to the restaurant?Pourquoi n‘allons-nous pas au restaurant?
Shall we say Tuesday?On dit mardi ?
Shall I book a table for two?Je réserve une table pour deux ?
Let’s say 3 o’clock!Disons 3 heures !

Grammar reminder

Find the right structure

Exercise 1

Complete with the correct structure

Exercise 2

Complete with the correct structure

Exercise 3

Complete with the correct structure